The Welfare of Animals Group (WAG) is a local 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in operation in Calhoun County, West Virginia since September, 2015. Our programs include:
- A spay/neuter program for low-income Calhoun County residents’ pets,
- Healthy pet care education in our county schools and for the community,
- A feral cat Trap-Neuter-Return program.
Our organization is run totally by volunteers.
Since May 2016, WAG has scheduled 1,809 cats and dogs to be spayed/neutered (972 of these were feral cats).
WAG Meeting
Calhoun County Library, Grantsville
WAG Meeting
3rd Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm – CANCELLED UNTIL LIBRARY RE-OPENS MEETING ROOMS
Calhoun County Library, Grantsville
Special Recognition to WAG’S Helpers and Supporters:
2024: We would like to thank all the generous citizens who have so far donated cash and 111 pounds of cat food for local feral cat colony caretakers (including 97 pounds of food and $631 for food from Calhoun Middle / High School and Pleasant Hill Elementary staff and students). Thank you for helping the animals.
2023: We would like to thank all the generous citizens who donated cash and 35 pounds of cat food for local feral cat colony caretakers. Thank you for supporting our spay/neuter programs and helping the animals.
2022: We would like to thank all the generous citizens who responded to our request for dry cat food for local feral cat colony caretakers and donated 230 pounds (including 200 pounds from Pleasant Hill Elementary School staff and students) of food. And thank you to the Middle/High School 5th grade staff and students for raising nearly $400 in your Coins For Critters competition to purchase cat food. Thank you for helping the animals.
2021: We would like to thank all the generous citizens who responded to our request for dry cat food for local feral cat colony caretakers and donated cash and 616 pounds (including 281 pounds from Pleasant Hill Elementary School staff and students) of food. Thank you for helping the animals.
2021: Due to COVID-19, WAG has not held any fundraisers in the last 24 months. We would like to thank all the generous citizens who have given us donations in these stressful times, helping us continue our spay/neuter and Trap-Neuter-Return activities. Thank you for helping the animals.
2020: WAG would like to thank the Pleasant Hill Elementary School for donating money and pet food from their spring fundraiser. Your faithful support to help spay/neuter animals in our county is greatly appreciated.
2019: WAG would like to thank the Calhoun County 5th Graders for raising over 500 pounds of cat and dog food in May 2019. We so appreciate your hard work in helping to feed animals in need in our county!
2019: WAG would like to thank the Pleasant Hill Elementary School for raising over $500 with their “Coins for Critters” fund raiser in May 2019. We really appreciate your help in raising money to help spay/neuter more pets in Calhoun County!
2018: WAG would like to thank the Boy Scout Troop #430 in Calhoun County for building boxes for feral cats to stay warm in over the winter. Your hard work is greatly appreciated!!
2017: WAG would like to give a big thank you to Calhoun County Girl Scout Daisy Troop 38205! These young ladies collected cat and dog food to donate to WAG for hungry cats and dogs in Calhoun County. We so appreciate your help.
THANK YOU: to all our wonderful bakers who have made baked goods and to the community for coming out and supporting our fund raisers!
WAG Visitors: